Saul Eslake: An economic perspective, COVID19 and its impacts

Saul Eslake: An economic perspective, COVID19 and its impacts

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FSAA are pleased to confirm that Saul Eslake will provide a valuable economic update. During his presentation, Saul will cover

  • A brief overview of the virus itself
  • A ‘helicopter’ view of the world economy as a whole – what the main international forecasting agencies were saying about the global outlook, and some broad indicators of world trade, what major central banks and governments were doing
  • A quick overview of developments in major economies – China, US, Japan, Europe
  • A more detailed look at the Australian economy
  • An assessment of the response to the recession by governments and the RBA
  • What sort of recovery might we have
  • Some longer term effects of the pandemic

About our Speaker

Saul Eslake is an independent consulting economist based in Hobart, Tasmania, and a (part-time) Vice Chancellor’s Fellow at the University of Tasmania. He is also a member of the Parliamentary Budget Office’s Expert Advisory Panel; the Australian Taxation Office’s ‘Tax Gap’ Expert Panel; and the Advisory Board of Jamieson Coote Bonds, a Melbourne-based bond fund manager. He has previously been Chief Economist (International) at National Mutual Funds Management (1991-95); Chief Economist at ANZ Bank (1995-2009); Director of the Productivity Growth Program at the Grattan Institute (2009-2011); and Chief Economist (Australia and New Zealand) for Bank of America Merrill Lynch (2011-2015). At different times he has been a member of the Rudd-Gillard Government’s National Housing Supply Council, and the Howard Government’s Foreign Affairs and Trade Policy Advisory Councils.



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