Date: Monday Oct 14, 2024, 9:00 am
The Introduction to Insurance Accounting for Accounting Professionals course is designed for professional accountants new to the insurance industry and who need an understanding of insurance accounting principles in their roles within the Finance Team. The purpose of the course is to equip participants with an understanding of the insurance industry, insurance accounting principles and the application of these principles to statutory and management reporting and to provide a high-level view of regulation of the insurance industry. Read the Course Overview and Learning Objectives
View...Date: Friday Oct 18, 2024, 12:30 pm
Session One: The economic justification for Finance Transformation
This newly developed Program looks to bring members together for a series of four in-person events. The first session, The Economic Justification for Finance Transformation, will be held on Friday 18 October from 12.30pm until 1.30pm, and will be hosted by Deloitte Sydney. The second session will focus on Artificial Intelligence. The remaining two sessions will be held over the following six months, with dates, venues and presenters to be advised soon.
View...Date: Monday Oct 28, 2024, 9:00 am
The General Insurance Accounting for Accounting Professionals course is designed for professional accountants who have worked in the insurance industry and who need a deeper understanding of general insurance accounting principles including statutory, management and regulatory reporting. The purpose of the course is to equip participants with an understanding of the general insurance industry, the practical application of accounting principles and statutory, management and regulatory reporting. Read the Course Overview and Learning Objectives
View...Date: Monday Nov 4, 2024, 12:00 pm
Please join us for our Financial Services Accountants Association (FSAA) webinar led by EY for a market update on the Australian Life Insurance industry.
View...Date: Monday Nov 11, 2024, 9:00 am
The Life Insurance Accounting for Accounting Professionals course is designed for professional accountants who have worked in the life insurance industry and who need a deeper understanding of life insurance accounting principles including statutory, management and regulatory reporting. The purpose of the course is to equip participants with an understanding of the life insurance industry, the practical application of accounting principles and statutory, management and regulatory reporting. Read the Course Overview and Learning Objectives
View...Date: Saturday Apr 5, 2025, 9:30 am
The Health Insurance Accounting for Accounting Professionals course is designed for professional accountants who have worked in the insurance industry and who need a deeper understanding of health insurance accounting principles including statutory, management and regulatory reporting. The purpose of the course is to equip participants with an understanding of the health insurance industry, the practical application of accounting principles and statutory, management and regulatory reporting. Read the Course Overview and Learning Objectives
View...Courses for those involved in the insurance related financial services industry, particularly professionals from the fields of accounting, finance, regulation and taxation. Find out more about our Insurance Courses.
Professional Development events are held throughout the year. Accounting & Regulatory Updates, Tax Discussion Groups, Lunches and the National Conference.
The FSAA services the needs of over 2000 members in Australasia, providing education and networking activities and opportunities for the ongoing professional development of members.
View our Upcoming Events to help you network.