To be eligible for membership, you must be an Accountant within the Financial Services Industry or involved in providing similar services to the Financial Services Sector.
Note about Corporate Membership: Employees of Adica Insurance, am actuaries, Ansvar Insurance, APRA, Arch, Atradius, ARPC, BDO, Berkley Insurance, Capricorn, CCI, Chubb, Cover-More, Deloitte, DSH Insurance, EML, EY, Finity, Grant Thornton, Guild Insurance,Hollard, HDI, IAG, icare, KPMG, LawCover, Liberty, Littlewoods, MIPS, Munich Re, nib, Pacific International, Pacific Life Re, PetSure, PwC, QBE, Steadfast Group, Suncorp, Tokio Marine and Zurich will be entitled to membership through the Corporate Membership held by these companies. Please contact FSAA membership for more information.
Standard Member. 1 Year - (includes GST of $5.00) $55.00