Member's Discussion Groups 2017
Ernst & Young host four Tax Discussion Groups and Deloitte host four Accounting & Regulatory Updates each year.
Tax Day conferences are held annually providing the Tax Day Committee feel there is sufficient new activity to hold this event. The 2016 Tax Day was held in Sydney on 22 August at the Park Royal Hotel in Sydney's Darling Harbour. Members and attendees can view presentations from previous Tax Days via the "Members Area / Past Functions".
The 2016 FSAA Christmas Party was held at The Italian Village, The Rocks on Wednesday 7 December. Stay tuned for the date and venue of 2017's Christmas event.
The Ambassador program was established in 2011 and has resulted in a number of events being held for FSAA's younger members, such as a season of Touch Football in the Domain, Trivia Nights, An Evening of Networking and Adventure and an Evening of Networking and Comedy, an Evening of Newtorking & Anlysis. There are some exciting new activities being planned by the newly formed committee. Keep an eye on our Upcoming Events page for more.
The FSAA has support from several Queensland and Victoria based members to organise business forums for members in Brisbane. If you would like to assist the Association or would like to be involved in these forums, please contact our administrator at