This Financial Services Accountants Association (FSAA) webinar led by EY provided a market update on the Australian Life Insurance industry, covering:
The FSAA was proud to welcome the CEO of the Insurance Council of Australia to discuss some of the hot topics on their radar and strategic priorities for the year ahead.
The introduction of mandatory sustainability and climate disclosure requirements accompanied by independent assurance reports represents a significant shift in reporting in Australia. Additionally, APRA and ASIC’s expectations as well as investors and policyholders continue to evolve.
In this one hour webinar John Carroll from Aon will provide some insights into the Reinsurance sector. The webinar will examine the state of the industry, exploring recent developments in the local and international markets, key trends in pricing and capacity as well as views into the future outlook.
During this session Darren wlll
Explain what ESG/sustainability is; Why it’s important; Provide some examples of ESG reporting; Discuss the issues with reporting; Explain what Green washing is; Suggest ways in which assurance can be provided over the reporting; and Provide the steps to implementing an ESG report
Held 12 December - this is an industry-based group and the topics are yours for the choosing. Topics on the agenda for this webinar are:
This is the third webinar in the IFRS 17 webinar series and is focused on the mechanical applications behind some of the concepts that were introduced in the previous webinars. Where the previous webinars outlined IFRS 17 levels of aggregation and key IFRS 17 terms, this one examines the mathematics behind the measurement of IFRS 17 liabilities within a given group.
The slides from this session are on Owen's site: Real Value Consulting
In this one hour webinar John Carroll from Aon will provide some insights into the Reinsurance sector. The webinar will examine the state of the industry, exploring recent developments in the local and international markets, key trends in pricing and capacity as well as views into the future outlook.
This is the second webinar in the IFRS 17 series and delves deeper into some of the IFRS 17 concepts introduced previously. This webinar aims to help you gain a better understanding of some of the key IFRS 17 terms through both a technical and intuitive lens. Where the first webinar outlined the requirements to sort insurance contracts into different groups, this one unpacks the different elements required to financially quantify contracts within a given group.
With IFRS17 fast approaching, insurance accounting professionals are seeking further detail and training on the potential application of this standard. The FSAA is proud to introduce Owen Tong to who will undertake a deep-dive into an element of the standard which is generating challenges in its interpretation.
Held 14 December 2021 and presented by Dale Judd, EY Global Tax Insurance Leader and Asia-Pacific FSO Global Compliance and Reporting Leader
After an unprecedented 2021, how has the General Insurance industry performed? Join us for this one hour webinar where Andy Cohen from Finity Consulting will examine the state of the General Insurance industry, explore key market trends and present forecasts for the future.
In this one hour webinar John Carroll from Aon will provide some insights into the Reinsurance sector. The webinar will examine the state of the industry, exploring recent developments in the local and international markets, key trends in pricing and capacity as well as views into the future outlook.
A clear expectation for APRA regulated insurance companies is that they prioritise cybersecurity. The threats are accelerating and changes in work practices are potentially leaving firms vulnerable. Compliance with CPS 234 Information Security is accordingly high on the regulatory radar.
The application of taxation law within an insurance environment comes with a unique set of challenges. This session will provide a high-level overview of the various taxes applicable to the general insurance industry including current ATO activity, the role of the finance function and some helpful tips and tricks.
The FSAA is proud to welcome the CEO of the Insurance Council of Australia to discuss some of the hot topics on their radar and strategic priorities for the year ahead. The insurance industry is currently faced with a variety of challenges and the ICA is at the forefront of this for the sector. Issues such as affordability, BI Test case, climate change, mitigation, vulnerability & hardship, Indigenous Australians and other transparency topics are front of mind. Over the course of the webinar Andrew and colleagues will shed some light on ICA activities in this space, the BI test case and also allow time for Q&A.
Investor relations is an essential function for any listed company, acting as the primary link between the company and the investment community. This is especially important in an insurance company, with unique markets forces and accounting treatments. While many finance professionals naturally focus on regulatory financial reporting requirements and the internal management accounting of their organisation, it is essential we are also aware of how our organisations are perceived and assessed externally by investors.
After an unprecedented 2020, how has the General Insurance industry performed? Join us for this one hour webinar where Andy Cohen from Finity Consulting will examine the state of the General Insurance industry, explore key market trends and present forecasts for the future. View the slides from this presentation orr read more to view webinar.
Get up to speed on the state of the worldwide and Australian economy with renowned presenter, Saul Eslake
In these challenging times, FSAA is delighted to be assisted by Jono Nicholas to bring you a webinar on psychological stages of COVID-19. Jono will explore, and give some practical guidance to understand how to be resilient in highly uncertain environments by using practical strategies to manage wellbeing and stress.
During this webinar our speakers discussed the impacts of COVID19, including
Finance teams are keen to develop their understanding of the tax environment and what aspects might influence their own roles. This session will provide a high-level overview of the various taxes applicable to the general insurance industry including current ATO activity, the role of the finance function and some helpful tips and tricks.
The past six months have seen extreme weather, tragic losses from bushfires, COVID-19, and the largest economic shock since the Great Depression. What lessons can be drawn from this bevy of black (grey?) swans? This session will discuss recent events and how learnings can be applied to future climate risk.
April 2020 Valuation of interest rate derivatives has grown in complexity since the swap market inception in the 1980s. In particular the GFC accelerated these advancements, most notably
- Multiple Estimation Curves, one for each index tenor
- Discounting on OIS curves
The next landmark will surely be the end of LIBOR in Q4 2021, and the development of Risk Free Rate RFR derivative markets. Add on top of this Credit/Debit Valuation Adjustment CVA/DVA and it is not a trivial exercise to value IRD in 2020 and beyond.
View the recording of this webinar where we illustrated with practical examples the concepts of best practice valuation both today and into the future.