Briallen Cummings, KPMG

Briallen Cummings, KPMG

Actuarial IFRS 17 Lead Partner

Briallen is KPMG Australia’s Lead Actuarial Partner for IFRS 17. Briallen has worked in the insurance industry in a range of roles both within corporates and as a consultant predominantly in the life insurance and reinsurance markets. Briallen has deep insurance liability valuation experience as well as experience across a broad range of areas including M&A, demutualisation, independent expert reports, pricing and product design, expense allocation, capital, risk margins and claims data analytics. She is also the external Appointed Actuary for two life insurance companies. Briallen has been advising clients on IFRS 17 across the ASPAC region since 2016. Briallen is well-known in the Australian market is a regular speaker at conferences combining theoretical and practical experience to share real insights.

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